Health Communication Virtual Learning Series
This learning series is a product of the Texas Fluoridation Campaign, funded through a grant from the Delta Dental Community Care Foundation, in an effort to provide detailed information on how to create successful health messages to improve health outcomes.
These sessions are meant to view as a series, but can be viewed separately as they are offered as standalone courses.

The Power of Audience Insights
Each year, many public health agencies and stakeholders launch health promotion campaigns without taking the time to gain important insights about the target audience. Learn how research into a target audience can strengthen your ability to communicate effectively to its members. This session will acquaint participants with high- and low-cost research tools for gaining insights about an audience.

Using Storytelling to Engage
Learn how oral health professionals and advocates can use stories in their talks and presentations to illustrate the impact of poor health outcomes, deepen the public’s understanding and inspire advocacy. This session will walk through the key elements of a good story.

Making Data Count
The amount of oral health data continues to grow, but are we using and translating it ways that educate and inspire action? Learn how to choose and present oral health data to enhance lay audiences’ understanding and influence policymakers. This session will share best practices for data that can strengthen your presentations, reports and web content.

Building Your Social Media Presence
Social media reflects the power of social networks in shaping our health attitudes and behaviors. This session will begin by exploring some common myths about social media. We will explore how these platforms shape attitudes and behaviors, and this session will recommend 6 ways to build your social media presence — and, by doing so, raise the visibility of oral health.

Speaking Up for Fluoride
Misinformation about fluoride circulates widely online and through social media. This can confuse or mislead people about the benefits and safety of fluoride and, in particular, water fluoridation. This webinar introduces the 5 C’s of Effective Communication about fluoride. Whether your interest is to enhance patients’ knowledge or your community’s awareness, this session will offer helpful communication tips.

Lessons learned from the Texas Fluoridation Campaign
Access to information via the internet has dramatically changed the dynamics of health information and has amplified the spread of misinformation. This lecture will provide specific examples to illustrate the process of building data-driven, evidence-based health communication campaigns. Lessons learned from the Texas Fluoridation Campaign will be discussed and how these lessons can be implemented to help us communicate with our patients more effectively.